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Board of Directors

The team of Believers who initiated starting Project Faith


Olivia Rajan


Grade: Junior

Fun fact: I can understand/speak multiple languages fluently

Favorite Bible figure: Job

Why did you start Project Faith: Since the spread of COVID-19, other individuals and I have wanted to find ways to fellowship with one another. Together, we have created an inclusive place for anyone who wants to strengthen their relationship with Christ and connect with others


Isabelle Lopez

Vice President

Grade: Junior

Fun fact: I’m pretty artsy, I like to draw, paint, resin cast, and sew

Favorite Bible figure: Paul

Why did you join Project Faith: I always wanted to be a part of a club that was fruitful in conversation and centered around God


Makayla Roberts


Grade: Junior

Fun fact: I am the editor of my schools yearbook

Favorite Bible figure: Joseph

Why did you join Project Faith: I joined Project Faith as another way to spread the Gospel


Arkin Solomon

Treasurer/Technological Assistant

Grade: Senior

Fun fact: I can solve the Rubik's cube in under a minute

Favorite Bible figure: Noah

Why did you join Project Faith: I joined to provide a group for high schoolers, for those that may not have one in their area


Nathanael Kirubakaran


Grade: Junior

Fun fact: I like to do push-ups

Favorite Bible figure: Paul

Why did you join Project Faith:  I thought and prayed about it


Alyssa Elness

Female Advisor

Grade: Senior

Fun fact: I love absolutely everything Disney.  I hopefully one day want to get a job at Disney World and spread the magic to other people

Favorite Bible figure: Paul

Why did you join Project Faith: I joined Project Faith because I believed it was a great way for me to spread the goodness and love of God.

Student-Led Bible Study Leaders


Alyssa Elness

Head Leader

Isabelle Lopez

Leader 1

Adam Gee

Leader 2

Olivia Rajan

Leader 3

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Adam Gee

Activity Coordinator/ Male Advisor

Grade: Junior

Fun fact: I have a black belt in mixed martial arts

Favorite Bible figure: King David

Why did you join Project Faith: Having community with other Christians is important, Project Faith allows me to stay in fellowship with other believers

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